Spotlight Project

Mercedes Benz – House of Imports

Buena Park, CA

AGS Screens Tailored for Luxury Auto House

Screening views while keeping an image of style and sophistication at Mercedes Benz - House of Imports inventory facility. Located in Buena Park, CA., this AGS project consists of 12” vertical aluminum airfoils installed at varying angles creating a screen/wave effect that is effective from any vantage point. But there’s more to it than just airfoils and automobiles … AGS worked hand in hand with the architect, back in the conceptual stage. We assisted with design and budget every step of the way. Our team was also able to address job site challenges on the fly by accommodating unexpected changes in field conditions. AGS fabricated dozens of custom brackets to accommodate these changes and worked together with on-site installers to finish with a flawless facade for this high-profile customer.

VP of Sales and estimating: Eric Niemeyer
Contractor: Blair Image Elements
Architect: SPARC+ Architecture Studio