Geolam Finishes
Standard Finishes
Non-Standard Finishes
90 Day Lead Time
Geolam Sunshade and Trellis Infill
Many AGS products and designs can also be fabricated in conjunction with Geolam products. Geolam “profiles” consist of aluminum extrusions with a wood/plastic composite bonded to the surface. The resulting material will give your project the look and feel of wood without all the maintenance. Please refer to span tables and specifications to see if Geolam is the right product for your next job. AGS offers engineered and assembled solutions with Geolam material on a job-specific basis. Please contact AGS and we will be glad to assist.

1-1/4”x 2” Rectangular Tube

1-1/8”x 5” Rectangular Tube

2-1/8”x 5-1/8” Rectangular Tube

1-3/8"x7-7/8” Rectangular Tube