Great Idea Contest

Team Building….it’s one of those daunting tasks that may seem frivolous and lost on half the group. But it can be fun and engaging with some good ideas and a little enthusiasm. Not only that, it doesn’t need to be pricey. The AGS golf outing has always been the highlight of the year “best ball” to keep it light but still competitive.

As of recent, we brainstormed some ideas to use our new space for a little change of pace. Thanks to Google, we put our own spin on some simple ideas such as:

  • The Egg Drop Game – work as teams to create packaging to protect an egg from being dropped from a certain height
  • The Spaghetti & Marshmallow tower Game – work as a team to build the tallest tower out of Spaghetti & Marshmallows
  • Paper Airplane Contest – just like it sounds
  • Memory Sculpture – teams get 15 seconds to look at a sculpture and must replicate it to the best of their ability

What team building ideas have you tried and totally scored with? The best idea submitted wins an AGS Thermal water bottle!


  1. Ingrid Latham on January 7, 2020 at 11:26 pm

    Mini golf course with household objects (e.g. hit the ball through an oatmeal container)
    Scavenger hunt for office objects

  2. Jim on January 7, 2020 at 1:47 pm

    Water cup Indian run, run in a line with a cup of water passed front to back of line, last person run to the front, then repeat for 3miles. The team with the most water wins

  3. Tim Hillman on January 7, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    Taco eating contest. Optional….. have to chase every taco with a shot of tequila.

  4. Nick on January 7, 2020 at 5:37 am

    One of the best things I’ve done with a company was a paintball day. Everyone had fun and if you’re lucky, you get to shoot someone in the office you don’t like lol

  5. Jean on January 7, 2020 at 4:29 am

    Scavenger hunt! But not just a list. Clues that have to be figured out to find out what it is you need!

  6. Brittany Schroer on January 7, 2020 at 3:25 am

    Birthday line up
    The objective is to have everyone line up in order of their birthdays—January 1st through December31st. Tell them they must do it without speaking at all, only using hand signals.

    Fingertip Hula-Hoop
    Everyone stand in a circle and raise their arms then extend their index fingers. The group supervisor places a Hula-Hoop so that it rests on the tips of everyone’s fingers. They are told that they must maintain a fingertip on the hula hoop at all times, but are not allowed to hook their finger around it or otherwise hold the hoop; the hoop must simply rest on the tips of their fingers. The challenge is for the them to lower the hoop to the ground without dropping it. To make this more challenging, you can place communication constraints – no talking or limited talking, for example.

    No-Hands Cup-Stacking Challenge
    This hands-on group challenge is an exercise in patience and perseverance, not to mention a total blast! Decide how many people you want in each group and tie that number strings to a single rubber band, making one for each group. Each person in the group holds onto one of the strings attached to the rubber band, and as a group, they use this device to pick up the cups (by expanding and contracting the rubber band) and place them on top of each other in order to build a pyramid.

  7. Cindy Groves on January 7, 2020 at 3:13 am

    Crisis Room in Frankfort. I think certain themed rooms are meant for corporate team building.

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